Now & Then






I wrote this poem following the passing of my Mother Ellen McAlister, on 7 March 2018. I offer it as a gift to all those who have lost loved ones. Although they’re gone, their memories live on, in the hearts of those whose lives they touched.

Now & Then

Now and then I will recall
A moment lived, however small
That has a special place
Within my heart.

Now and then, a sound or smell
Or a passing sight that dwells
Just long enough
To bring back memories.

And when those memories race
And I feel their warm embrace
For just that moment
Then turns in to Now.

Don McAlister
8 March 2018

About donmcalister

I retired at the end of 2011, after a 39 year career in the Aerospace industry as a Propulsion Engineer, Engineering Manager and Program Manager. My professional interests and expertise are in the areas of Program, Risk and Knowledge Management. I'm passionate about life-long learning in a wide variety of topics and I'm committed to sharing my knowledge and ideas with those who are interested. I'm an Aerospace Industry Consultant. I serve my community as a Rotarian. My hobby is playing as a jazz keyboard.
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4 Responses to Now & Then

  1. Rick Ladd says:

    Beautiful, Don. Simple . . . and simply . . . beautiful. Please accept my condolences for your loss. Your poem brought a little glistening to my eyes as it evoked memories of my parents, both of whom have been gone for quite some time. Thank you.

  2. Teri Williams says:

    Very touching, Don. It brought a tear to my eye as I remember my parents who have left this earth many years ago.

  3. Steve Northcott says:

    It is a beautiful tribute in memory of your Mom. Aunt Ellen would be so pleased, Don. As ever, Steve

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